Download PecubeGUI
PecubeGU-beta is now available !Version MacOs
PecubeGUI works for MacOs > 11.0 (BigSur). Please download the package below that matches your chip (M1/M2 or Intel):Version Windows
- Input topography:
- - Load topography from a raster file (.tif), text file or spm
- - 3D visualization with temporal evolution
- - Define the reference level from which to apply the amplification factor
- Input thermal properties:
- - Visualize 1D geotherm as a check for thermal parameters
- - Compute Heat production from specific heat, Radioactive heat production and density parameters
- Provide data:
- - Copy/paste from Excel worksheet the coordinates of your observations
- - Check sample location on a 2D map
- - Provide the number of grains per sample
- Input Tectonic:
- - Choose between 3 kinematic models (no uplift, bloc uplift, faulting)
- - Define and visualize your fault geometry and kinematic!
- Compute ages:
- - Compute ages for all node of your model with radiation damage diffusion models for apatite (U-Th)/He (Shuster al., 2006; Flowers et al., 2009; Gautheron et al., 2009; Willett et al., 2017)
- - Compute ages at observation sites using RD diffusion models ((U-Th)/He on apatite)
- - Provide grain characteristics and kinetics parameters ((U-Th/He))
- - Compute 4He/3He spectra ((U-Th)/He on apatite)
- - Use a finite-difference model or a Monte Carlo approach (Gautheron et al., 2010)
- Run inversions with RD models
- Plotting area:
- - Plot Age-elevation, Date vs eU, Age vs distance profiles
- - Plot 4He/3He data
- - 2D maps of cooling rate, temperatures of isotherm, temperature at depth
- - 3D visualization of your final models
PecubeGUI Documentation
You can access the documentation, here: PecubeGUI - DocumentationTo date, the interface includes the followings tools:
PecubeGUI: an introduction
 PecubeGUI is a python-based program that uses PyQt5 to build the GUI. It is an open-source software distributed under the GNU license (soon released!)
 The graphical user interface (GUI) aims to help any Pecube’s user to set up their models with a user-friendly interface to provide the relevant input parameters. It also enables the users to directly plot the results within the interface, manipulate the characteristics of the plots, and export images. Finally, the PecubeGUI facilitates the coupling between Pecube and the glacial landscape evolution model iSOSIA (Egholm et al., 2011), by enabling the user to load iSOSIA output files, that can be read and used by Pecube. However, output files from other surface processes models can also be loaded.
 PecubeGUI comes with a new version of Pecube that enables to predict (U-Th)/He ages on apatite for specific locations. It also includes some radiation damage models, alpha ejection distances, the possibility to set the characteristics of each grain (i.e., grain size, uranium and thorium concentration), and to predict 4He/3He profiles.